This REAME.txt file is an instruction of LaTeX macro, ky-jca2003.tex 1. Get kyjca2003-latex.tgz file from or just click the following entry LaTeX template file kyjca2003-latex.tgz (.tgz) on our web-page, 2. kyjca2003-latex.tgz file contains README.txt ------ this file example.tex ------ template of your paper kyjca2003.tex ------ kyjca2003 macro for A4 paper. (required) kyjca2003logo.eps ------ kyjca2003 log for A4 paper. (required) ** instruction.tex -- instruction for authors kyjca2003-special.tex -- used only for instraction.tex Note: Documents marked ** are provided by printed form and send with the letter. 3. To prepare your document, please use "example.tex" as the template. 3.1 Please enter the following information before \begin{document} --- example.tex ----- % Paper Number \PaperNumber{000} <= Please entry your paper number If your paper number is 50, enter 050. % Paper Title (required) \Title{EXAMPLE OF PAPERS FOR WESTPRAC VII PROCEEDINGS} % Paper Subtitle if any (optional) \SubTitle{- Subtitle if any -} % First Author's Last name (required) <= for Heading \LastName{LASTNAME} \Authors{ Firstname LASTNAME, Firstname2 LASTNAME2\\ } \Affiliations{ } \Abstract{ Abstracts of about 200 words must be placed at the beginning of the paper. T } \Keywords{ Acoustics, Kumamoto } 3.2 Just after starting "document" by \begin{document}, please insert \maketitle commant. \begin{document} \maketitle 3.3 After \maketitle, write your paper as an ordinary form. Note that, to eliminate the first indentation just after \section, please DON'T enter blank line between \section and the first line of document. \section{} % Please don't insert empty line after \section Here is the introduction of your paper. 4 Query and comments: The Secretary of KY-JCA2003 Tsuyoshi Usagawa, Dr.Eng. Kumamoto University 2-39-1 Kurokami, Kumamoto, 860-8555 Japan Tel: +81-96-342-3622 Fax: +81-96-342-3599 E-mail: